Friday, August 12, 2011


When the Egypt Exploration Fund was created they had memoranda and articles of incorporation that directed the funding for site excavations which showed promise of being outside the Bible Narrative - should not be researched! This troublesome kind of bias is beyond reproach because sites like Memphis have been built over and for all intents and purposes destroyed. In the efforts of people like Schliemann (Troy) and Evans (Crete) to uncover their dreams that led from the 'myths' of Homer they also confused and made horrible mistakes that allow debunking science to discredit artifacts that would have proven valuable. There are so many examples of actual government destruction of artifacts and people's careers that it is hard to pick one single example.
Despite the negative aspects of archaeology illustrated in the Kensington Rune Stone response of Mr. Wiseman; there is a very real possibility that the truth will become realized in sufficient degree for good people to regain their freedom. W. F. Albright is considered the 'father of Biblical Archaeology' by the Biblical Archaeology Review. His admission and awareness that the Phoenicians are the major creators of the Bible in the 50s and 60s has not reached the public or even the academics at large. In time and with a great deal of outside detective work it seems some of us are able to paint a new picture of history, due in large part to the effort of archaeologists even if they don't know the meaning behind the things they uncover.
In 1982's December issue of the National Geographic they were still promoting 'The People's of the Sea' theory that Gasten Maspero (a French historian of the 19th century) created from very little factual data. This issue dealt with the 'digs' at Deir el-Balah in the Gaza strip! Moshe Dayan (The Israeli Defense Minister) was a purchaser and assembler of some of the artifacts that look very ethnically diverse. The site was admittedly cosmopolitan and had been used by many different cultures as well as some key figures from history. Here is a quote from the inset to an artists' rendition.
"Life's pleasures enhance palace life at Deir el-Balah {Remember Ba'al the Phoenician god is also Bel in Keltic clandoms.} in an artist's rendition. In the Amarna tomb relief that served as his model, Queen Nefertiti decants wine through a strainer for Akhenaten, using vessels similar to a bronze set found at the Gaza site. Floor plan of partially excavated buildings at level 6, under the archaeologists' grid, suggests a layout similar to palaces built in Egypt during Akhenaten's rule." (6)
Heliopolis is the site of the Phoenician rulers of Egypt and is perhaps Ba'albek - and it may have been in other places at other times, as is the case with Byblos and Byblus. My perception at this juncture is the Hyksos Kings period was a time of aristocratic inter-marriages between Phoenicians in Troy and Egypt (1800 BC to 1300 BC.) before the beginning of a truly worldwide war.(Trojan - Homer tells of 19 battles for major centers) It is becoming clearer to many researchers that the Phoenician contingent among the Hebrews (named after a language drawn from Phoenician or their common root, by another group who designed these languages) was quite advanced and included the Arimatheans (Robert Graves, Michael Bradley and others), Benjaminites and all the top corporate trading elite, who were engaged in trade with far away places. Many of them have the BEE as their symbol. That includes Phocaeans, Mallia, the Royal House on Crete from 2000 BC., Egyptians and on to the Merovingians of Childeric and then Napoleon through marriage.
There is much debate about who Moses is and when he lived, but Nefertiti is usually associated with him. The word Moses is a title meaning 'leader' and could have been a title associated with many people over many millennia. The fact that the Moshe in Peru ran the drug trade and Egyptian mummies have Peruvian cocaine is important. The article in National Geographic continues:
"We have not yet been able to identify the Deir el-Balah fortress with a particular representation on the Karnak relief. Two of the fortresses shown along the Ways of Horus are designated as towns 'which His Majesty built newly'. Considering the close connections between Egypt and Canaan during the XIX Dynasty, it is possible that our fortress with the thick walls and corner towers, was built during the reign of Seti I, who ruled New Kingdom Egypt and its empire in Canaan from about 1318 to 1304 B.C.
On the basis of the pottery found in the fortress, we believe that it flourished during the reign of Seti's son, Ramses II (about 1304-1237 B.C.), to whose reign we date the anthropoid burials as well. Our fortress, and cemetery provide a vivid demonstration of Egypt's power and prosperity in this period, a time of close Egyptian control over the coastal route. Moreover, ceramic analyst Bonnie Gould has determined that 80 percent of the locally made vessels were Egyptian in both shape and ware.
AN EXODUS RIDDLE SOLVED {Actually no solution at all.}
The Ways of Horus holds much interest for scholars. As long ago as 1920 the noted Egyptologist Alan Gardiner optimistically predicted that future excavations along its route 'would reveal many of the fortresses depicted in the Karnak sculptures.' Our evidence, together with excavations by the Ben-Gurion University, has made his prophecy come true.
Once we discerned the meaning and function of the settlement at Deir el-Balah, we were able to understand a passage in the Bible that has long puzzled scholars. It is believed that during the reign of Ramses II the Israelite Exodus from Egypt took place. But the route chosen by the Israelites is rather cryptically described.
'And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, Lest peradventure the people repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt. (Exodus 13:17)'
The problem with the passage is chronological; the Philistines had not yet arrived to settle along the coast. The solution to its meaning lies in an anachronism--though the Bible speaks of 'the way of the land of the Philistines', it is describing the very same road that the Egyptians called the Ways of Horus.
As the Bible observes, this route to the Promised Land was far shorter than the route the Israelites eventually took. But our excavations at Deir el-Balah revealed the wisdom of this choice, for by escaping into the desert, the Israelites avoided the powerful fortresses of the very pharaoh from whom they had fled.
The crucial question of the identity of the people of ancient Deir el-Balah, so steeped in Egyptian culture and religion, remains unanswered. The period in which they lived was one of intensive international trade and of great ethnic changes and political upheaval." (7)
There appears to be something I missed and a lot of other possibilities these authors are avoiding. The Bible was not written in just one period and (alas) it may not be Divinely Inspired. Scholarship shows at least five different author's hands in the Tanakh or Pentateuch with a thorough revision by a Redactor 'R' around 200 BC. Thus the reference to Philistines in this area or the Israelites in Jericho after it had been taken by other forces (in 1200 BC. per the archaeological knowledge) is largely reconstructive writing to make people see themselves as conquerors or as persecuted according to the particular story being told. It justifies a militaristic response or 'pre-emptive' acts if you can sell the idea that you are persecuted - as we see today in this same region.
The Exodus and even the Pharaonic lineages are very MUCH up in the air. The propaganda of certain Egyptian Pharaohs who liked to present themself as victor in battles (e.g. with the Hittites of this time) has been shown as fiction. If Moses was an important person with political influence in Egypt might the forty years in the desert have to do with an on-going attempt to re-institute himself in the land from which he'd been asked to leave? Is it possible that many outposts remained loyal to him? The phrase from the Bible that they quote includes 'Lest peradventure the people repent when they see war'. To me, this means 'In the event that the people in Egypt see the error of their ways, and our former associates there allow us to resume our rightful place'.
Then by means of war or by cutting off the access to key needs (like the 'white powder' being made at Mt. Serábît which was discovered in the early 1900s by Flinders Petrie but only recently being understood as related to the 'burning bush' alchemical factory) and trade, you might find there is an opportunity to wage an all-out offensive and return.
Perhaps my analysis is lacking as well; but the forty years in the desert is more deserving of explanation than the route as I see it. There is no route that would take forty years to traverse. There is much more debate on the issue of Moses than most people (including one person I know who wrote a whole book on him) know. Gardner makes a good case for Moses being Akhenaten and the National Geographic shows him with Nefertiti (his senior wife) at this site. Thus we should quote a little of what Gardner has to say about them. First let me point out that the number 40 is a generation or lineage standard of a king during Biblical re-creations and attempts to fit things together with other documents. The actual date of Exodus and Moses is a matter of debate and the winners of the tribal infighting re-wrote the Bible story starting in the sixth century BC.
"The Bible story then moves to Moses and the burning bush on Mt. Horeb in Sinai {Frank Moore Cross says in 'Bible Review' Aug.1992, that Mt. Sinai of the Bible was in Rijaz or Arabia. Hijaz is a coded reversal of Giza through Gizeh and there was no 'J' in the early languages as well as an aspirant use in pronunciation of 'h'. It can be also shown to connect with a concept known as Iesa or 'The Brotherhood of Man'. The issue of Aten or the 'one-god' is pure scholarly and priestly political deceit. Long before Aten we see Amun-Ra was a one god concept in the Sphinx which had a woman's face.}. The bush was enveloped in a fiery light, but it was not consumed (Exodus 3:3) and from its midst came an, angel. EI Shaddai then appeared in person, announcing to Moses that he was to be called 'I am that I am' (Jehovah). {And thus the formalization of a political intrigue to minimize women by having a one MALE god rather than dual gender equal members of the human race. Could this be a reason the power group in Egypt was Hyksos Phoenician and thus egalitarian Kelts who asked Moses to leave Egypt?} After this, arrangements were made for Moses to go to Egypt and retrieve the Israelites, who had been placed in bondage by the new authorities.
By that time, with the Amarna dynasty terminated and General Horemheb's reign concluded, a wholly new regime had begun in Egypt: the nineteenth dynasty, whose founding pharaoh was Ramesses I. Having been away from Egypt for many years, Moses (Akhenaten) evidently asked Jehovah how he would prove his identity to the Israelites, whereupon three instructions were given. These instructions have puzzled theologians for the longest time because, although the Bible (Old and New Testaments alike) opposes all forms of magic, Moses was advised to perform three magical feats. Generally, when magical deeds are discussed, they are referred to as 'miracles', so that the power of man is always superseded by the supreme abilities of God. But in this instance Moses was seemingly granted divine powers {He was a magician with a sister of great knowledge and his staff-bearer Jasher may be who the apocryphal or censored book Jasher is named after. That story is about Miriam whose counsel was held in as high a regard as Moses during their lives according to many scholars.} to enable him to convince the Israelites that he was an authorized messenger of Jehovah (Exodus 4:1-9).
He was first advised to cast his rod to the ground, where it would become a serpent {I have seen such rods.}, but would be reinstated as a rod when lifted. Second, he was to place his hand on his breast, from where it would emerge white and leprous, but would return to normal when the act was repeated. Then he was to pour river-water on to the land, at which it would turn to blood.
Quite how these things were supposed to prove the involvement of Jehovah, as against that of any other god, is not made clear--but Moses seemed content enough with the plan. He did confess, however, that he was 'not eloquent', being 'slow of speech, and of a slow tongue', intimating that he was not well versed in the Hebrew language {Having spent a great deal of time in Cush as well as not having hung out with the high priests who really were the only ones who spoke it during this time. The possibility also exists that the people later to be thought of as Hebrews were speaking another language to the most part. But he never talked to the Israelites anyway as we shall see. The high priests of Egypt and their Pharaoh (same thing) were who they spoke with. The reason? Because he wanted the throne of Egypt. Hebrew was a secret or sacerdotal code of the designers of the pyramid years before and had been spoken by the high priesthood of Egypt ever since.}. So it was arranged that his brother Aaron (who was more fluent) would act as an interpreter.
Until this point in the story, only an unnamed sister has been introduced, but now a brother called Aaron makes his appearance (Exodus 4: 14), and with a somewhat baffling aftermath. Moses and Aaron journeyed to Egypt and made themselves known to the Israelites - but it was before the Pharaoh, not before the Israelites, that the magic of the rod and serpent was performed. Moreover, it was not performed by Moses as planned, but by Aaron (Exodus 7:10-12).
This sequence is of particular importance because it serves to indicate that Aaron held his own pharaonic status. The rituals of the serpent-rod and the withered hand (though described as it magic in the Bible) were both aspects of the rejuvenation festivals of the Egyptian kings - ceremonies wherein their divine powers were heightened. The pharaohs had various sceptres (rods) for different occasions, and the sceptre of rejuvenation was a rod topped with a brass serpent {N.B. for its' import in Mayan things to be reported, as well as Druidic connections.}. It was also customary for the king to place his right arm limply across his chest {Napoleon used his tunic to hold his hand.}, while supporting it with his left hand. (8) A preparation for this ceremony is pictorially shown in the tomb of Kherof, one of Queen Tiye's stewards, and the scene depicts her husband (Moses's father) Amenhotep III.
So did Akhenaten (Moses) have a brother who was himself a pharaoh - a pharaoh whose fate is unknown and who is similarly recorded as having disappeared rather than dying? Indeed he did - at least, he had a feeding-brother, whose own mother was Tey, the Israelite wet-nurse of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. As a pharaoh, this man had succeeded for just a few weeks after the abdication of Akhenaten; his name was Smenkhkare. He was the grandson of Yusuf-Yuya the vizier, and the son of Aye (the brother of Akhenaten's birth-mother, Tiye). Correctly stated, this pharaoh's name was Smenkh-ka-ra ('Vigorous is the Soul of Ra,). (9) Alternatively, since Ra was the state sun god of the Heliopolis House of Light {A Therapeutae and other syncretic cult place of primary import, at one time in Ba'albek.}, called 'On', (10) Pharaoh Smenkh-ka-ra was also Smenkh-ka-ra-on, from the phonetic ending of which derives 'Aaron'.
Manetho's 'Egyptian King List' records Smenkhkare (Aaron) by the name Achencheres, (11) which was later corrupted (by the Christian church-father, Eusebius) to Cencheres. (12) By this name (further varied to Cinciris) Pharaoh Smenkhkare was of particular significance to the histories of Ireland and Scotland, for he was the father of the princess historically known as Scota, from whom the original Scots-Gaels were descended. (13) Her husband was Niul, {This means 'blood' in Keltic original languages. The 'black earth' of the Nile thus is symbolic for 'blood' in the alchemic process of manufacture of the beginning of the primordial elements needed to begin the process of a 'Stone'. Some authors indicate the blood of a particular 'black raven' will suffice; other indications are that the black earth, located in the basements of Gothic cathedrals, are sufficient. In the case where the Black Madonnas which Fulcanelli says are actually originally dedicated to Isis, are located in these cathedrals [Chartrés being the first]; there is reason to think the long term presence in the focal point of the temple built after the design of the Great Pyramid and later duplicated in the Temple of Solomon ['sol'=sun and 'mon'=moon'] to be followed in design of the angles and lattices of these great cathedrals, there is good cause to believe them.} the Governor of Capacyront by the Red Sea. (14) He was, by birth, a Black Sea prince of Scythia (Scota) {And other ancient authors note the Hyperborean nature of these 'northerners' and that all were originally worshippers of the Emerald Isles of Britain and Ireland, today.), and according to the seventeenth-century 'History of Ireland', 'Nuil and Aaron entered into an alliance of friendship with one another'. The Gaelic text further states that Gaedheal (Gael), the son of Nuil and Princess Scota, was born in Egypt 'at the time when Moses began to act as leader of the children of Israel'." (16 & 17)
Simon Magus or the Good Samaritan of the Gnostic faith is also a Gaedhil according to Celtic ('K' for before the Romans) authors. There is good reason to believe these things are true; because the Kelts had a long-standing policy of sending their children past the age of five to distant relatives or trading partners such as Nuil and Aaron became in the above story. This practice achieved many good political and psychological or spiritual development objectives. There were no borders or immigration officials in these days and trade arrangements were just as vital then as when Donnacona (of the Stadacona Iroquois) gave his two sons to Jacques Cartier when Cartier returned to France after his first visit to America. The issue of children using emotional blackmail against their parents was also diminished and parents wouldn't live their lives so vicariously through their children and smother them with love. Thus Gardner has provided us with another proof of many, to the fact that the Keltic 'Red-Heads' were a vital part of the Phoenician 'Brotherhood'.
His further data on the issue of what history actually knows about important people like Moses is highly instructive as well. The Moshe (some spell it Moche) of Peru have recently offered up an archaeological tidbit right in line with more of the complete story, which includes near absolute proof of a forensic nature that cocaine was traded between Egypt and Peru in this time. Moshe is the actual name of Moses in his native tongue which you can still hear in synagogues calling him 'Moshe Rabbenue'. This tidbit has other connections with sceptres or staffs as Monteczuma reports the white-skinned leaders like Quetzalcoatl/Kukulcan brought with them. The serpent people of the Mayan or Mesoamerican culture will be gone into in further depth as well. But when you are reading about Zotz you will understand why a gold vampire found among the Moshe is so important.
Author of over 60 books available at and as well as Diverse Druids which is available through many on-line retailers.

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